Wednesday, June 27, 2012

2 1/2 Days

2 1/2 days until my babes become big 2nd graders, I will miss them tons.  They have a lot of personality.  Some days I laugh so hard I can't breath and then there are days that I cry so hard that I can't breath.  They are a great bunch of kids.  Today, is game day and a farewell breakfast for our Assistant Principal, she will be moving to a new school.  I am really, going to miss her. 

I teach at a year round school, so I am one of the lucky teachers that gets 5 weeks off.  Most of the school gets 4 days before they need to start back again.  Lucky me and I get to spend the whole month in Hawaii - seeing my husband.  He retired and moved to Hawaii to take care of his mom, so I spend my months off with him. 

So in 6 days this is what I will wake up to.......


  1. Hiya Terri!

    Long distance is difficult - I've been doing it for 2 1/2 years.. every 3 months we get to see each other for a week, but soon, we'll be living together as my boyfriend graduates from A School! I cannot wait.

    Lucky you... Hawaii is a beautiful place!

    I'm a new blogger, too, and a new follower of your blog - and I just want to say I LOVE your blog design!

    Stop on by and see me sometime :]

    Miss V's Busy Bees

    1. Sara, a week doesn't seem fair. I get 4 weeks with my hubby and in paradise. Hang in there, some days are extra hard. Barb, my blog designer, is wonderful to work with. She is putting the finishing touches on my personal blog,too. Going to visit you now.

  2. How often do you get 5 weeks off? This is very different for me. I get 8 weeks off each summer (yay!), 2 weeks at Xmas and 1 at spring break.
    Wish I was going to Hawaii with you :))

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

    1. I get 5 weeks in July, 4 weeks in November, 3 weeks for Christmas (thanks to furlough days) and 5 weeks in March (thanks to furlough days). It works perfect since I go to Hawaii so much. You can come with me, we could do lots of teachy stuff and I will show you the island.
