Sunday, July 22, 2012

Postcard update

I am so glad that I sent the postcards to my kiddos. I have received text messages, Facebook messages, and school emails (with pictures made by students) -telling me thank you and how excited they were to get mail. I, also, received this letter/picture from one of my babes. She mailed it to me in Hawaii. So sweet. I am so glad I did this for them - I love when they are happy.


  1. Super sweet. I bet they really loved getting mail :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  2. Super sweet! I am giving you an award!!
    Come check it out as well as my birthday giveaway:)

    The Resourceful Apple

  3. So nice! Postcards are on my list to do too! By the way...the postcards you sent me are beautiful. I'm going to laminate them and use them as writing prompts throughout the year!

    A Pirates Life for Us
