Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I am home

I got home really early this morning, my plane was delayed again. I feel sorry for my son (he picks me up) and he gets up so early to go to work - so he didn't get a lot of sleep.  It felt good to sleep in my own bed and walk around in my own house.  But, I am missing my hubby terribly. It is hard only seeing a few months out of the year.

 I have so much stuff to do today:

1.  Need to hit the sales at Target, Staples and Walmart. 
2.  I need to get a bunch of laminating done
3.  Unpack the suitcases
4.  Go to the grocery store - out of everything, including coffee.
5.  Stalk TpT store.
6.  Make a plan for work

So maybe, I should get off the computer, hmmmm......


  1. I'm so sorry:( I would HATE that feeling! The next 3 months should fly by!

    Tonya’s Treats for Teachers
    I’m having a 40% off sale at my TN store! Come check it out!!!

  2. I don't know how you do it! Hopefully the time will pass quickly for you :)

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs
