Monday, October 15, 2012


My Language Arts District Assessments are finished, woo hoo.  Part of the test is whole group, the other half is individual.  The District gives us two weeks to administer and score it. Let me tell you - it takes a long time to individually test 29 kids.  Then all their scores need to be entered into the computer.  I, usually, have the test completed the first week.  Not this year, I didn't get it finished until the last two days.  Then, as a cruel joke - grades were due the same day the district assessment was due.  Come on people, are you serious????  So, I was at school until 6:00 last Thursday - inputting all my grades.

This week, is the District Math Assessment.  Yup, one week to test 29 students in a group setting with 46 or so math problems.  So, they need to be tested and scored by Friday at 3:00.  But, wait - we will throw in the district wide Disaster Drill on Thursday, followed by a Staff Meeting.  On Friday, we have parent conferences starting at 12:30.  This means, I really have 3 days to give my babes their very, successful District Math Assessment.

But, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  On October 26 at 12:20 I will start my one month break as a reward for doing all of the above items.  Hubby is coming home for the month - so no flying for me. Luckily, this year I don't have to pack up my entire room  and move to another one.  I feel sorry for my partner, she does - it isn't much fun.


  1. Wow! I'm always amazed at how many tests my American friends have to give! We don't do any until grade three, and those only last a couple of weeks and that's it.
    Glad you don't have to change rooms this time.
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers

  2. Sounds like you're in the home stretch! Any baby news?

    A Pirates Life for Us
