Thursday, October 25, 2012


Keahi Tiago born on October 24 at 6:35 AM.  After 36 hours of labor and mommy not dilating, doctors made the decision to do a C-section.  Mom and baby were doing great the entire time. 

Everything happens for a reason, but at the time we didn't know why she was not dilating.  She really wanted a natural birth.  The answer became clear.  He was a bouncing 9 lbs. 2 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long.  His head was 13 1/2 inches.  He would not have fit in the birth canal and the cord was wrapped around his neck.  He would have been in distress.  The newborn beanies that I knitted for him are going to last about a week.

I am so grateful for the doctors and nurses that took care of my daughter in law.  I was with them the entire time until they went in for surgery.  I knew that I probably wouldn't be able to see my grandson for several hours, I was wrong.  My son came running into the waiting room, smiling and yelling for me to come.  The wonderful nurse, stopped in the hallway, so I could see my beautiful grandson.  Tears came rolling out of my eyes at an extremely high rate. The first thing I said, "He has Japanese eyes".   When my son was born it was important to my husband and brother in law that my son had Japanese eyes.  I thought it was stupid at the time, 23 years ago.  But yet, in this perfect moment - it was the first thing I said.  Then i looked at him again and thought oh my gosh he is huge. 

My son, daughter in law and grand son were in the "golden hour" and were bonding.  Again, my son flew into the waiting room and told me to go in.  Now, I didn't want to get kicked out of the hospital - but I got worried and went in.  The nurse said it was fine that they wanted me in there.  So I sat next to my daughter in law and grand son while he nursed for the first time.  I am the luckiest grandma in the world.  My son wanted to call his dad and tell him the news - so I became the stand in (a job that I love).  My hubby flies into tonight and my son wanted to pick him up from the airport - so he could tell him everything on the two hour drive home. 

I had parent conferences to do in the afternoon, since I had to reschedule a bunch from Tuesday - so I was forced to go to school.   I was able to hold him last night after school.  It was a perfect moment. 

Oh, his name is Hawaiian Brazilian Japanese.  Keahi means "breath of fire" and he is born in the year of the Dragon.  They took a lot of time finding the perfect name for him.  He has a cry that comes from his belly.  The world just kinda of stops when a baby is born.  It is like floating in clouds - being able to watch everything.


  1. Oh, he's SO beautiful, Terri! His little bottom lip looks just like Olin's :) He is one big boy! That's awesome! I'm so glad everyone is doing well. Grandbabies are the best. I haven't seen mine for two weeks now but I'll be seeing him all next weekend! Take care.

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  2. What a beautiful, precious baby......congrats and God bless !

  3. Congratulations! He is beautiful and has a very cool name!

    Craft of Teaching
