Monday, November 5, 2012

November Currently

I am trying to link up with Farley for November Currently.  This is the first time that I have done this, so I will be super happy if it works.  It has taken me three days, just to get the writing on the template, geez.

I can't believe how fast this year has zoomed by.  My vacation is starting the second week and we have so many things on the list to do.  The problem is, I can't seem to get enough of my new grandson - can't put him down.  Oh well, they are only this little once.

I should be working on school things, but nope - see comment above.


  1. Our new grandson makes baby goat noises when he sleeps. Ha ha!

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers

  2. Hi Terri, I'm your newest follower and found you through the November Currently. I need to do some laundry in a bad way too!!! You are not alone...LOL!!! Keith Urban is great too!!


    The Tennessee Teacher

    I'm an education student and would love some encouraging followers to come visit me!

  3. I am so jealous. I wish I had vacation time now. I can't wait to snuggle with my niece come Christmas break. So happy you linked up. Do you do it in powerpoint? That's how you will create tpt stuff too. Have a wonderful Monday.

  4. Baby love.....can't get enough! Went to Starbucks on Sunday, LOVE to see the red cups, had a big cup of Joy :)

  5. Hi! I had no idea that Starbucks Red Cups are out! Salted Caramel Mocha here I come!!!! I found you from my co-worker Farley's blog! Love your colors!

  6. Hi found you on November Currently... I am your newest follower. Enjoy the baby they grow way to fast...

    First Grade Journal
