Wednesday, November 28, 2012


It was really hard going back to school on Monday after having a month break with hubby and the little guy.  But, I did it.  The kids were great, we accomplished a lot.  I had one guy out.  I was working on my December goodies, bought some more goodies from the TpT sale and went home exhausted.  I was in bed at 6:30 exhausted.  My poor hubby wanted to hang out, since he was leaving the next day.  So he was a great guy and tucked me in and spent time with his son and the grand baby instead.

Around 11:30 the sickness started, heat/chills, stomach ache, wanting to die feeling.  Then at 3:30, life was over.  I spent the next 3 hours in bathroom.  I tried going to school and couldn't do it - scheduled a sub, told my hubby I loved him and watched him walk out the door.  I went back to bed until 2:00.  It was crazy.

So I spent the 2nd day of school in bed, sick - without my hubby.  I am trying not to cry, because I miss him and my stomach is still sore - so everything hurts.  My stomach and heart.  But, I will get to see him in 3 weeks - in Hawaii.

I did get up early (because of sleeping all day yesterday) and worked on my December word cards.  I might just try this TpT thing out, as soon as I figure out how to get them uploaded.  Geez.


  1. Oh no!! I hope you feel better very soon.
    Sending get well thoughts your way all day!
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  2. Feel better :) and while you are sick in bed continue to blog for your Leibster Blog Award :)! Come check out my blog and pick up your award.
    Sent From My iPad

  3. So sorry you were sick. It's the worst.Let me know if you need any help loading to tpt
