Saturday, January 12, 2013

Today's Needs and Wants

Today, I need to:
Unpack my suitcase and wash clothes
Put the Christmas tree and decorations away
Write thank you notes to my kiddos and put the presents away
Go visit my mom and dad
Clean off my dining room table of all the junk
Find my spare bedroom
Go grocery shopping, the house is empty - except for coffee and creamer
Need to go to the Post Office to get the vacation mail

Today, I want to:
Work on some new activities for my TpT store
Play with the grand baby
Work on the grand kids' Christmas stockings that I started in Hawaii
Take a nap and read
Knit my grand daughter's scarf with the really cool yarn I bought

I am blog stalking
Trying to make my inbox smaller
Drinking another cup of coffee, since it is the only thing in the house
Thinking about crawling back in bed - to take that nap, lol

I don't think it is going to be a productive day.


  1. I'm about ready to take a nap too! I need it. Date night with the hubby!

    Tonya’s Treats for Teachers

  2. Thanks for commenting...I am your newest follower as well :)
    Cute blog!
    Kickin’ it in Kindergarten

  3. I finally got my tree down yesterday AND managed a nap:)
    My to do lists are long like that too and I'm happy (sort of) if I get halfway through them -- haha!
    Take care.
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs
