Saturday, February 9, 2013

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is one of my favorite holidays to teach.  One year when I was visiting Hawaii, I was able to see an actual lion dance - it was so cool with lots of firecrackers.  I think my love for the holiday started then.

The inspiration for the dragon and the lantern art came from Sandi.  I didn't have a Chinese newspaper, so a parent brought in a Korean paper that I copied and cut into strips.  My parent said that a Chinese or Japanese paper would have looked nicer, I can't tell the difference. I think they turned out great.

We made Year of the Snake headbands, with glitter of course.

We worked on our Chinese New Year small books and took a little test.

Made some cute dancing dragons.  They all turned out different, they really enjoyed this activity.

Of course, we ate with chopsticks - orange chicken, rice and fortune cookies.  They each had a different way of using the chopsticks.  Here one of my little ones is teaching another one.

We have the stab method, which is the way I eat with chopsticks. My husband is Japanese/Hawaiian, but I can't use chopsticks - go figure.

This one was a cutie.  He invented his own method, the two stick pick up.  It worked great, I should try it this way.

According, to my babes "it was the best day ever"


  1. Wow! You guys know how to celebrate Chinese New Year! I need to get into that. I absolutely LOVE your glittery dragon!
    Have a great Valentine's visit with your husband:)
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  2. Looks like fun! I can only use chopsticks on a random basis- no rhyme or reason!

    Everyone deServes to Learn

  3. That bulletin board is just beautiful! Sounds like the kids had a lot of fun!

  4. I LOVE the red dragon on your bulletin board! So beautiful and festive! The kids crack me up with the chopsticks too.
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  5. I'm so glad you dropped by my blog. You have so many terrific ideas. I already have 3 of your items in my Wishlist from TPT! I really do need to get the glitter out more often, ther is something magical about it, isn't there. I am your newest follower. : )

    Kelly @ I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

  6. Hi terri,
    We use to teach Chinese New Year and did something similiar. We gave each child Top Ramon noodles and they had to eat them with chopsticks. Too cute!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  7. Terri,
    So fun! Your students will definitely remember the celebration.

  8. I have never celebrated Chinese New Year, but I would love to! I wish I had time this year, but February is so full! Maybe next year I'll be able to work something in!

  9. I love all of your ideas for Chinese Year Year! I love celebrating it with my class. I am definitely going to add some of your ideas next year.
