Saturday, July 20, 2013

Saturday Snapshots

I am linking up with Miss Nelson for Saturday Snapshots.


I only have 1 picture from this week to show you - yup 1.  But, it is a pretty exciting picture.

This is a salad from my garden.  My very first garden, super excited about it.  In May, I decided I needed to eat healthier and quit eating junk food.  I did really good in May - but towards the middle of June (end of school) it got harder for me.  I walked a mile or two every morning before school.  Now, I am down to walking twice a week (because of school starting).  The good news is that I lost 16 pounds and one dress size and I feel great.  I, hope, to start walking again, this next week.

These next pictures are from the 4th of July, since I haven't had a computer to post them.  WARNING, lots of grand baby cuteness (I think).  I have 5 granddaughters and two grand sons.  One grandson I don't get to see, which makes me sad.  But, here are the rest of my loveys.

This little guy is stuck in the middle of all girls, poor thing. 

My  three older girls.  Miss M, Miss S and Miss K.

 Mr. K and Miss M

Miss S and Miss R

The Gang
Back row:  Miss M, Miss S and Miss K
Front Row:  Mr. K, Miss R and Miss B

  I am the luckiest grandma in the world and I have another one coming in November.  I am heading to the beach with Miss M and Miss K for the day.  They want to spend the day with Grandpa before he leaves.  Okay, go link up and see what everyone was doing this week.



  1. I wish I had a green thumb. Way to go! Your grandkids are adorable!

  2. Love the pictures of your grandkids! You are so blessed!! What do you mean school starting? Are you back at school already? Way to go on the healthy eating and setting awesome goals! :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  3. Your grandkids are adorable! Great work on the weight loss! I have also been working on eating healthier and working out.

  4. Terri ... your grand babies are all adorable. So proud of you on eating healthy. I really need to get into a routine.
    I hope you have a great school year and I'll talk to you soon.

  5. Terri -

    Congrats on the healthy lifestyle and saying farewell to 16 pounds! That's wonderful! You'll have more energy to keep up with all those cute grandkids!

    Life in Room 24

  6. I'm so impressed by your home grown goodies! I tried a garden once and all I managed to do was prove my lack of a green thumb. That is a major accomplishment!

    Your grandchildren are beautiful! You are blessed!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  7. I also think it's great you grow your own veggies! You have a beautiful family! :)


  8. Fabulous pics, Terri. Your grand kids are all so lovely!
    And a huge congrats on the weight loss. That's something to be very proud of:)
