Friday, February 1, 2013

Five for Friday and Currently February

I am linking up with Kacey and Farley for their wonderful inspiration.  It was a very busy, productive week.

1.  We celebrated Grandparents' Day this week.  It is a lot fun, but also a lot of work. The kiddos and grandparents really enjoy themselves.  The grandparents start off in our multi-use room with some school entertainment.  Then they visit their grand children's classroom.  We have an activity planned for them.

2.  Today, we predicted if the groundhog would see his shadow.  I saw this on a blog, but now I can't find it.  I thought I wrote it down.  So if this was your idea.  Thank you, it was a great one.  The kiddos enjoyed it.

3.  Full moon, 29 first graders - no further explanation needed.

4.  We started contractions today.  Oh my gosh, the kids got it - super excited about it.  I will get it posted to my TpT and TN stores tomorrow.

5.  Currently February.  We are pretty sure that my grandson is teething and he is miserable.  I am excited about Sunday's game - I am a fan of both teams.  One of my cuties said that no matter who wins I will be happy and he is right.  I want to make something this weekend, not sure what yet.  I miss my hubby a lot and wish I was with him this weekend.  Probably need to grade the stack of papers so I can finish grades for report cards.  I can't believe it is time to fill them out again.

Hope you have a great weekend and don't forget the sales going on at TpT and Teacher's Notebook this weekend.


  1. Hi there! I found you through Farley's Currently! I hear ya on the full moon.... Sorry to hear your grandson is teething. No fun :( Good luck getting your report cards done!

    Angela :)
    Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!

  2. Don't get me started on Dirty Dishes!! Hope baby is feeling better soon, and that you get to see your hubby soon too:)

    Surfin' Through Second

  3. I think it's so funny how every teacher knows when there's a full moon:) Those are not my favorite days!! I'm your newest follower!

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