Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Land of Contraction

I am super excited that I finished the packet that was keeping me awake at night - spinning.  Contractions is the one of the hardest things that I need to teach.  It might just be me, but it is hard.  I was going to make a small book for my kiddos using contractions.  A wonderful co-worker, Meridith, one of my BFF - suggested that I break the words into groups.  What a great idea Mer, but how in the heck am I going to do that - they are boring.

Then in the middle of the night, I got the idea - BAMM, woke me up.  I go so excited.  So I would like to introduce you to .....

The Count of Not - he is all about contractions that end with not.  There is a mini story, small book, pocket chart cards, individual letter cards to make the contractions, spelling box activity, a page with the count and boxes to write the contraction and an assessment.  Each individual book contains the same things.

The Countess of Will

The Prince of Would

The Princess of Is

The Jester of Everything Else

You can get them separately or I bundled them all together in the Land of Con-Traction.  The bundle includes the intro story about the character and how the Jester is the guy really in charge.  The individual story cards, word searches for each character and an overall assessment.  Oh, in every book there is a little Jester hiding.

My kids are loving it, they are really understanding contractions - I am so excited.  I am hoping that their score on the District Assessment will be better, because in the past they weren't that good.  Yesterday, they kept asking me when they would be learning about the next character.  It made me feel really good.  I thought it might just be me, because kids learn better when the teacher is excited about something.  Nope, my BFFs started it yesterday and their kids enjoyed it.  I had a couple of their babes come up to me after school and tell me "thank you".  I almost cried.

Here is the bundle.  The beautiful papers are from Corinna and see the cute little Jester - Nikki made it just for me.  Make sure when you read the story, you do your best "Count" voice.

  I made a big poster of the big guy.

Word cards

 The book, it has a little story within the book.  Kids loved it.

Here is one of my little ones making the contraction.  One of the kids said that we are using a "countrophe" instead of an apostrophe.  He laughed, so cute - love first grade.

A 8 1/2 x 11 of the poster included in each packet.

I hope you check it out and I am so happy about my kid's progress.


  1. Completely one hundred percent adorable. I bet they will never forget contractions!

    Everyone deServes to Learn

  2. That looks brilliant, Terri. I love your story ideas!
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  3. This is just about the cutest idea EVER!!!!! I am seriously in awe of the creativity. So cute! If I taught contractions to my kinders I would be snatching this up right now. I'm thrilled to be a new follower, so glad I found you!


  4. LOVE this idea!! I have totally woken up while sleeping with great ideas too! I am your newest follower!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I LOVE Kindergarten
