Friday, March 15, 2013

Five for Friday - March 15


I am linking up with Kacey for Five for Friday.  I love this little party

1.  I finished my Leprechaun small book, you can find it here.  It is a small book based on leprechauns and St. Patrick's Day - super cute graphics by melonheadzillustrating.  I need to start making some curriculum for my classroom, but I am enjoying quilting and knitting instead, at the moment.


2.  We went to the beach, for breakfast, this week.  It was the first time the grand baby had seen the ocean.  He was mesmerized by the water.  It was a little cold and overcast, but still wonderful.  We spent some time looking for seashells, which is one of my favorite things to do.

3.  My beautiful daughter in law at 8 months pregnant, today.  She is so tiny.  I can't wait for the twins to be born.  I finished sewing one of the quilt tops for the babies this week and started the other one. My kids picked out the owl fabric and I bought the bright color fabric in Hawaii.

4.  Our roof is getting re roofed, finally.  I, probably, should have scheduled it when I was teaching - instead of on break.  They make so much noise, but it feels sooooo good to get it done.  The roofer said that because I went a light color, it will keep the house a little cooler.  It was 91 degrees yesterday, geez.  Last week, we had hail.  Now, hubby will have to paint the house the next time he comes home to visit.

5.  I bought a book that was recommended by Kelly.  She hadn't read the book, but had been inspired by the author at a conference she had attended.  The author is an RN and worked in a hospital that needed some customer service satisfaction increase.   I really enjoyed the book, it can be adapted to any work environment.  If you work with a difficult person - it is a great book.  It gave me hints on how I could change my views of the situation.  You can't change the other person, but I can change MY attitude about the situation.  The book is very pricey, but I am glad that I bought the book.  It is a quick read and I made lots of notes in the margins.  I am going to share it with my principal, when I go back to school.

Well, that is it for this week - head on over to check out the other blogs.  Hubby and son are going to play golf this afternoon - so I will be home alone, woo hoo.  I have lots more quilts to get finished before I head back to school.  Hopefully, the roofers will finish early today and I can sneak in a nap, heaven.


  1. Your quilt is so pretty, Terri!
    I love the contented look on grand baby's face:)
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  2. That baby is a doll!!!!
    I'm your newest follower. :)
    Mrs. Christy’s Leaping Loopers

  3. Omg, baby is adorable. I wouldn't know how to begin making a quilt, it seems so overwhelming! Enjoy your beautiful growing family.


  4. I'm interested in this book now. I have a co-worker who is such a gossip and tells lies all the time. She talks way too much to parents and she has been getting our team in some trouble lately. I would love to know how to maintain a positive attitude but still stick up for our team.
    Rambling About Reading

  5. Oh I just love Melonheadz clipart!!! Wow...twins! Congrats!!! The quilt looks pretty.

    Lovely Literacy & More

  6. Babies and the beach - two of my favorite things!

    I love the quilt. I am not a quilter, but I wish I was. Have you ever read the book The Quiltmaker's Gift? It is a lovely picture book!

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  7. Awww, I adore the pictures! I bet you had fun at the beach. :)

  8. Great pics! I love the quilt. I've made a couple and just cherish them. I am your newest follower!

    The Open Door Classroom

  9. Your daugher in law is super tiny! I can't believe she's carrying twins! Your grandson is so adorable :) I love babies!
    Learning In Wonderland
    I'm your newest follower!
