Thursday, March 14, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted Linky Party

I am linking up with Mrs. Reed for her very first linky party.  You need to tell 3 things that you love or love to do based on your initials.  My initials are TLS.

T -   travel.  I love to travel, go on a new adventure.  My favorite place is Hawaii, to see my hubby.

I, also, love to travel to the antique stores - you never know what you will find hidden in the treasures.

L - Love to create things.  I have to create something everyday or I get, really, grouchy.  It could be something for my TpT store or quilting, knitting, crocheting, doodles, scrapbooking or working on my photography.  I need to be creative.

S- seashells.  I love to find seashells.  Hubby took me to the beach yesterday and we found a bunch of shells.  Everytime, I go to our local beach - I find a bunch of a certain kind of shell.  This was the first time, that we discovered big shells like these, usually we might find a few little ones.

I love when hubby takes me to look for shells in Hawaii.  If we go during low tide, sometimes we can find pieces of old china brought to shore by the tsunami from 1960.  It is really cool, but sad at the same time.

Ok, go link up and get to know some fellow teachers.


  1. I loved reading your post and learning more about you Terri :) I am the same way, I am obsessed with creating things! I would be a happy camper painting, writing, and making TPT stuff all day long!

    How cool to find old china pieces!! It's amazing that it still washes up after all this time!

    Thanks for sharing :)


  2. I love all of the same things that you love, Terri! :) It was a total blast to read your post! :) Thank you so, so, much for stopping by to visit me! :) I am now YOUR newest follower, too! :) Hee hee hee! :)


    Mrs.Russell's Room
    First Grade

  3. I love all of the things you posted too! I love traveling and going to different places. There are so many things to see. Thank you for stopping by my blog.


    Ms. Richards's Musings
