Saturday, March 30, 2013

Five for Friday - March 29

I am linking up with Kacey for her weekly linky party.


Here is my week.

1.  I was hoping that I could show you pictures of the two little girls this week, but they like their mommy.  She has been having contractions on/off all week.  I, really, wanted to play with them before I went back to school.

2.  Hubby went back to Hawaii on Wednesday, without meeting his new grand daughters.  I feel so lost without him, miss him tons.

3.  This is my dad, isn't he adorable?  My mom was upset that hubby was leaving before Easter, he is never home for any holiday dinners.  So, we did Easter a week early.  I was going to post pictures of the girls looking for eggs, but I think my dad is just as cute.

4.  I am moving to TK.  I am so excited about it.  I needed a change from first grade.  I was dealing with a ton of stress, so I asked my administrator back in December to change grade levels.  I had found out that there probably wouldn't be an opening in Kinder and 4 people had asked for the new TK position.  Hubby, my boys and I talked and decided that I would retire.  So, I filled out my retirement papers.  My principal called me on Wednesday, 20 minutes after I had put my hubby on the plane and we talked.  I, still, didn't think I would get it - but I really wanted it.  Sometimes, things in our district don't move very fast - if you know what I mean (not saying that in a bad way).  I made the decision that if I didn't hear anything about the position by April 15, then I would proceed with retirement (thinking that I wouldn't know until May).

The next morning, the principal called.  I was shocked.  The stress left my body, instantly.  I am, so excited that I am going back to working with an amazing Kinder team and I will have a great partner, love her.  I love most of my first grade team, but Kinder rocks.

5.  I am heading back to school today.  My 5 week break is over and I won't have another one until September.  I am changing tracks as part of the move, so there will be no break.  Hubby will be home in July to visit, I couldn't go 5 months without seeing him - 3 months is hard enough.

I am going to work in my classroom, this morning - on a Saturday.  I am excited and sad at the same time about going back.

Ok, go link up with Kacey and see what everyone else has been doing this week.  Next week, I will have more teaching stuff, I promise.

Unless, the twins come then, there will be baby pictures.

* adorable clip art by - of course!!!


  1. I waited for 4 years to get my position on Kindergarten! I am so happy in Kindergarten and I hope you will be too!

    My Kinder-Garden

  2. Your sweet Dad makes me laugh :) Wish I still had mine.
    Congrats with the Kindergarten. When do you start? Let me know if you want your header changed to The Kinder Princess:))
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  3. Congratulations on your move to TK-sounds like fun! Sorry your husband couldn't stay long enough to see the babies. Your dads picture is adorable! What a good sport to wear bunny ears! Take care!

  4. So exciting? When does K start? When do you get your new students. Love the picture of your dad. He's precious.

  5. Congratulations on your new job! Hopefully the babies will be here soon and the time might fly until you see you husband.

  6. Glad you got the job you wanted! :)
