Monday, March 25, 2013

My Favorite Nouns

I am linking up at Flying into First for her Let's Get Acquainted Linky Party - it is so much fun.  Last week, I visited every single blog linked up.  I loved getting to know people better and picked up a few new blogs to read on the way.

This week is the Noun Game. 
The noun game is where you simply just name your favorite person, place, thing, and animal.
Here's mine.....
My favorite person would be my Grandma.  She owned a Pony Farm until she was 93 years old.  She worked very hard, all her life and never complained.  She liked every one she met.  She passed away when she was 97 years old, but the Christmas before - she still sent out 50 Christmas cards with a hand written letters in each one.  I was lucky that the last two years of her life, she lived in a retirement home around the corner from me. Her memory was great, she would always tell me stories about when she was younger, she should have written a book.  The last 3 months, she was too sick to get out of bed - I would go feed her breakfast before I went to work, feed her dinner and then go back to spend time with her before bedtime.  I treasure those times.  She was an amazing person, I think about her every day.
My favorite place is the beach, especially if it is in Hawaii with my hubby.  When life gets me stressed, I drive down to the beach - so relaxing.  I love listening to the ocean and looking for seashells.
My favorite thing is chocolate.  My students know it and bring me M & Ms,  just because.  I will get a note from a parent that says, "My child made me run to the grocery store to get you some M & Ms, they said that you needed them."  So cute.
I love my new dog, but my favorite animal is a dolphin which goes with the whole beach loving thing.  I think they are so graceful, I love to watch them.
Ok, now it is your turn - head over to her blog and add your favorite nouns.  I am going to try and visit all of them again, this week.  I am getting a late start this week.  Enjoy your week.


  1. That is such a cute story about your students and the M&Ms. How sweet of them to know you need a chocolate fix!
    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  2. Loved reading about your sweet Grandmother. :) What nice students you have! Love me some chocolate as well.

  3. I still can't get over that pony farm!
    Your grandma was lucky to have you:)
