Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sad Day

I am super sad day today - hubby left to go back to Hawaii.  He was such a big help this month, with me going back to school without a break.  Sometimes, we don't realize how much one person can do to help.  I am walking around my house in a fog.

Then, to make it worse - one of the Kinder teachers found out that they will be collapsing her class, tomorrow.  She has been teaching all month and on Friday she will either move schools or change grades (which means a new teacher on campus will be out of a job).  Our Kinder team is mad and upset.  Some of her babes are overloaded from another school and will be returning to their school, leaving her with 15.  So they are taking those 15 and putting them in her partner's class for a total of 32 little bodies in one class. It is so sad, she is a great Kinder teacher and deserves to be in Kinder. Plus, I don't think it is in the best interest of the kids to be in such a large class with a different teacher. But, I guess our opinion doesn't count.

Blogger is giving me fits, at the moment. I can't make any changes after I type and it is fighting with me to actually type out my blog. Grrr.......
Isn't my new blog pretty.  I decided that I needed a make over to go with my new grade level.  So, of course I went to the wonderful Barb from to complete the change. She is wonderful to work with, she knew exactly what I wanted - before I did.  If you want to update your blog, please visit her.

Blog Make over

Isn't my new blog pretty.  I decided that I needed a make over to go with my new grade level.  So, of course I went to the wonderful Barb from to complete the change. She is wonderful to work with, she knew exactly what I wanted - before I did.  If you want to update your blog, please visit her.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I took the day off on Friday and we flew into Colorado to meet this beauty.

My great niece, she is adorable.  She has the biggest eyes I have ever seen.  I was so in love with her - She can melt your heart.  She just lives too far away.  I want to go back and see her in August. You would think since I have 3 new grand babies, that I wouldn't need a baby fix - but I do from her.  

I think I need to get some bows made for her.  She has a lot of hair on the bottom of her head - the old man cut, giggle.

We spent the weekend at my brother's house along with my mom, dad and sister (the baby's grandma).  The girls did some damage at the dollar store, I can't show a picture because my parents had to bring it back in their van - I just took a carry on.  My brother has hummingbirds that visit his house.  This one was beautiful with his red throat.  I was lucky enough to get a few pictures of them in flight.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I was assessing one of my partner's kiddos, we were looking at letter recognition.  He looked at the page with a blank stare - he didn't recognize the letters.  He came to the letter "x" and got really excited.  I said, "what letter is that?"  Proudly and with lots of confidence he said, "that is the letter 'no'.", as he crossed his fingers in the sign of the x.  I looked at him (a little strange look).  "Mrs. Sasaki, don't you know that letter is the letter 'no'."  I wanted to bust up laughing but instead, "no honey, I didn't know that the was the letter 'no', thank you for telling me."  He walked away with lots of confidence, I will tell him later.  I made his day and he made my day.

And that is why I am happy that I am back in Kinder.


I started using my new center rotation leis yesterday and it was wonderful.  I don't know why I didn't do this in first grade.  I rotate classrooms every three months, so I needed something that wasn't permanent and easy to move.  I, also, share a classroom with a morning Kinder teacher, so I was short on space.  This is what I came up with, totally portable.

This is what it looked like after the kids picked their centers, it was originally full on both sides. 

 Two big cookie sheets from Target for $4.99 each.  Bull dog clips from Wal-mart (2 packages) for $1.88 each.  My laminated center signs and the leis.  I stuck in on the ledge of my whiteboard during center time, then back on my desk at the end of the day.  No one was playing with the leis during the day.

I put the number of leis on the clip based upon how many kids can go to that center.  For example, kitchen had 2 leis because I only wanted 2 babes to go to that center.  If they wanted to change their center, they cleaned up the center they were working on - put the lei back on the clip. Then checked to see which color leis were on the board.  There was no fighting, at all.  I loved it.

Here is one of my little ones playing with puzzles wearing her lei.

I was checking out Monday Make-Its and was inspired by Heather's sand sensory box. This is her box below.  You need to check it out, because she made it academic.

I thought it would be perfect for TK, so I checked out her inspiration link from Rubber Boots and Elf Shoes.  Sandi has made a bunch of them, I loved her scissor practice bin.  I needed it, now, like 5:30 in the morning now.   I emailed her and asked what size her container was.  She got back to me immediately, so sweet of her.  So I went to Wal-mart before I headed to school at 6 in the morning and bought my first box.

I filled it with scraps of paper, the kids loved it.  It was the favorite center of the day.  They cut pieces of paper and glued them to a plain sheet of copy paper.  It was perfect for cutting and gluing skills.  I think I am going to add some scrapbook paper scraps today.  My mind is spinning with ideas for these boxes, shocking I know.  Of course, I need for the witness (hubby) to go back to Hawaii next week.

Today's little person quote, "Mrs. Sasaki, he isn't coloring in the lines.  Is he going to get a time-out when he gets home."

I love my class.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday Make-It....Finally

I am linking up with Tara for my first summer Monday Make-It. 

I went back to school two weeks ago, so I haven't had much time to be extra creative - yet.  But, the mind is spinning.  I finished my behavior chart, made two of them.  One for myself and one for my kinder partner.

Super notes to pass out at the end of the day, when they stay on green.  

I have so many books, cards, kids' small book and activities everyday to do with my TK kiddos - that I put them in file folders in this basket.  It looked so sad sitting on my desk that I brought it home to add some ribbon.  I needed some cute. 

I am trying to find a center system that will work with my 4 year olds.  A few teachers in our district use the rubber bracelets or yarn necklaces for center control.  I decided to make ribbon leis.  I have them almost finished, 8 different colors.  I hope to get the board completed tonight.

I made these for 6 years for my son's high school football and golf team (even after he graduated).  They take about 20 minutes per each one, but very relaxing to make.

Well, go check out everyone's creativity this week.  I am heading to check out the blogs and make my list.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Saturday Snapshots

I am linking up with Miss Nelson for Saturday Snapshots.


I only have 1 picture from this week to show you - yup 1.  But, it is a pretty exciting picture.

This is a salad from my garden.  My very first garden, super excited about it.  In May, I decided I needed to eat healthier and quit eating junk food.  I did really good in May - but towards the middle of June (end of school) it got harder for me.  I walked a mile or two every morning before school.  Now, I am down to walking twice a week (because of school starting).  The good news is that I lost 16 pounds and one dress size and I feel great.  I, hope, to start walking again, this next week.

These next pictures are from the 4th of July, since I haven't had a computer to post them.  WARNING, lots of grand baby cuteness (I think).  I have 5 granddaughters and two grand sons.  One grandson I don't get to see, which makes me sad.  But, here are the rest of my loveys.

This little guy is stuck in the middle of all girls, poor thing. 

My  three older girls.  Miss M, Miss S and Miss K.

 Mr. K and Miss M

Miss S and Miss R

The Gang
Back row:  Miss M, Miss S and Miss K
Front Row:  Mr. K, Miss R and Miss B

  I am the luckiest grandma in the world and I have another one coming in November.  I am heading to the beach with Miss M and Miss K for the day.  They want to spend the day with Grandpa before he leaves.  Okay, go link up and see what everyone was doing this week.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Captain Bono

My Kinder team uses Bono the Monkey to introduce classroom rules.  My partner teacher made this little guy at Build A Bear, so we could take pictures of our kids holding him.  Isn't he the cutest thing?


Well, I couldn't let him be a plain monkey - we are doing a Superhero theme this year.  So, I made this little cape for him to wear.  Super easy - my hubby thought I was crazy.  I thought he knew me by now, giggle.

I would like to introduce to you - Captain Bono.  The kids thought he was the best thing. 

This little cape, now, has me spinning with about 10 other cape ideas.  Now, I need to find the time to make them.

The good news, after 3 months, I finally have internet again - woo hoo.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My First Day

My first day as a TK teacher was wonderful. I love my class they are adorable. My biggest problem - I need to quit thinking like a first grade teacher. It is ok that they don't know how to write their name. But guess what 13 of them can write their name. So it is all good

My favorite part of the day was when one of the babes was crying. She said, "I don't want to grow up.  I don't want to make my mommy happy. I don't want to do homework". She stopped crying when I told her that she didn't have homework, her mommy did. The tears turned off immediately. It was obvious that mommy was coaching her at home. So cute

I love being able to watch them interact. I have the time built into my day to do that. I am going to write down the things they say, out of the mouth of babes

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Class theme

I have to have a class theme each year. I change it every year because I get bored, sigh. This year, I am sharing a room with a kinder teacher that has NEVER, EVER had a theme

What??? I know crazy, don't judge her. She is the sweetest person, ever. So I gave her 5 themes, based on melonheadzillustrating clip art. She picked my least favorite, Superheros.  I made us lunch tickets. She is Wonder Woman and I am Super Girl. Then I ran out of ideas. Yup, I had nothing

Then yesterday I found some adorable fabric when I was at the beach. Ok, now we have two things. I made a trip to Target to find matching outfits for the grand kids and look what I found.

 They are perfect. Now, I can't shut my brain off. I have so many ideas, it hurts. I need to get all the shopping done today, since hubby is coming home tomorrow and he will be a witness to this madness. Stay tuned bat friends 

Monday, July 1, 2013

School is out

Or at least for a day. Today is my day off before the new school year and I am going to enjoy every minute of it. I am heading to lunch with a friend and hopefully I will get a Monday make it made later this afternoon.

I teach at a year round school, so school starts tomorrow working in our rooms for two days then kids come back July 8.  I usually have July off but this year I changed grades and track.  My break isn't until September. I can't wait to meet my new little ones.

Last week, was very emotional for me.  I was leaving a grade I loved and some very good friends - but I love the idea of teaching Transitional Kinder.  Our principal retired - we are getting one of old Assistant Principals back, love them both. I, think, too many changes along with packing up 7 years of teaching first grade - was way too much for me to handle.  Then, add no break equals emotional overload.  Hubby is flying in on Wednesday for the month, so I will get to spend time with him on the weekends.  I have made a huge Honey Do List for him.

I made candy leis for each of my first graders with help from my mom and daughter in law. My kids loved them.  It took a couple of evenings but worth it.  I got the plastic tubing in Hawaii, so it made it really simple.