Sunday, March 31, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted Party - March 31

I am linking up with Flying into First

This week's party is about my favorites.

Favorite Place to Shop

I dislike shopping, but when I am forced to go shopping - it is at Target.  I can get, almost, everything I need in one stop.  I love that our Target carries food now.

Favorite TV Show

I love this show, mainly because of the scenery.  If I start missing hubby, this is the show I watch the most.

Favorite Sweet Treat

Milk Chocolate M&M's

Love, love chocolate.  I, seriously, can't live without it.  I, always, have some at school and at home.  I have to eat the peanut butter M&Ms when I photo edit and plain ones when I am working on school stuff.  Crazy.

Favorite Food

Sushi, yum.  My mother in law makes really great tasting sushi, she taught my youngest son to make and roll it.  I can make it, but when I try to roll them - not so pretty.  I either make them to big and the filling is falling out or they are way too small.  I can make spam musubi, yum.

Favorite Restaurant

My favorite restaurant is Kealoha's.  They serve Hawaiian fusion food.  The food is really yummy with a Hawaiian local feel.  They are in southern California and is owned by a friend of ours.  They have really good salmon and spam fried rice.

I hope everyone has a wonderful, blessed day.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Five for Friday - March 29

I am linking up with Kacey for her weekly linky party.


Here is my week.

1.  I was hoping that I could show you pictures of the two little girls this week, but they like their mommy.  She has been having contractions on/off all week.  I, really, wanted to play with them before I went back to school.

2.  Hubby went back to Hawaii on Wednesday, without meeting his new grand daughters.  I feel so lost without him, miss him tons.

3.  This is my dad, isn't he adorable?  My mom was upset that hubby was leaving before Easter, he is never home for any holiday dinners.  So, we did Easter a week early.  I was going to post pictures of the girls looking for eggs, but I think my dad is just as cute.

4.  I am moving to TK.  I am so excited about it.  I needed a change from first grade.  I was dealing with a ton of stress, so I asked my administrator back in December to change grade levels.  I had found out that there probably wouldn't be an opening in Kinder and 4 people had asked for the new TK position.  Hubby, my boys and I talked and decided that I would retire.  So, I filled out my retirement papers.  My principal called me on Wednesday, 20 minutes after I had put my hubby on the plane and we talked.  I, still, didn't think I would get it - but I really wanted it.  Sometimes, things in our district don't move very fast - if you know what I mean (not saying that in a bad way).  I made the decision that if I didn't hear anything about the position by April 15, then I would proceed with retirement (thinking that I wouldn't know until May).

The next morning, the principal called.  I was shocked.  The stress left my body, instantly.  I am, so excited that I am going back to working with an amazing Kinder team and I will have a great partner, love her.  I love most of my first grade team, but Kinder rocks.

5.  I am heading back to school today.  My 5 week break is over and I won't have another one until September.  I am changing tracks as part of the move, so there will be no break.  Hubby will be home in July to visit, I couldn't go 5 months without seeing him - 3 months is hard enough.

I am going to work in my classroom, this morning - on a Saturday.  I am excited and sad at the same time about going back.

Ok, go link up with Kacey and see what everyone else has been doing this week.  Next week, I will have more teaching stuff, I promise.

Unless, the twins come then, there will be baby pictures.

* adorable clip art by - of course!!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

My Favorite Nouns

I am linking up at Flying into First for her Let's Get Acquainted Linky Party - it is so much fun.  Last week, I visited every single blog linked up.  I loved getting to know people better and picked up a few new blogs to read on the way.

This week is the Noun Game. 
The noun game is where you simply just name your favorite person, place, thing, and animal.
Here's mine.....
My favorite person would be my Grandma.  She owned a Pony Farm until she was 93 years old.  She worked very hard, all her life and never complained.  She liked every one she met.  She passed away when she was 97 years old, but the Christmas before - she still sent out 50 Christmas cards with a hand written letters in each one.  I was lucky that the last two years of her life, she lived in a retirement home around the corner from me. Her memory was great, she would always tell me stories about when she was younger, she should have written a book.  The last 3 months, she was too sick to get out of bed - I would go feed her breakfast before I went to work, feed her dinner and then go back to spend time with her before bedtime.  I treasure those times.  She was an amazing person, I think about her every day.
My favorite place is the beach, especially if it is in Hawaii with my hubby.  When life gets me stressed, I drive down to the beach - so relaxing.  I love listening to the ocean and looking for seashells.
My favorite thing is chocolate.  My students know it and bring me M & Ms,  just because.  I will get a note from a parent that says, "My child made me run to the grocery store to get you some M & Ms, they said that you needed them."  So cute.
I love my new dog, but my favorite animal is a dolphin which goes with the whole beach loving thing.  I think they are so graceful, I love to watch them.
Ok, now it is your turn - head over to her blog and add your favorite nouns.  I am going to try and visit all of them again, this week.  I am getting a late start this week.  Enjoy your week.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Five for Friday

I am linking up with Kacey this week for Five for Friday.  I visited about half of the blogs last week, it  was so much fun.


Here is my 5 for the week.  I have one more week of my break.  Hubby leaves on Wednesday, so there will be lots of sadness at this house - unless the twins come to make up for it.

1.  I finished my April calendar cards.  Love the clip art.  You can find it at TpT.

2.  I linked up for this party.  It was so much fun.  I visited all 108 blogs.  My lie was that I loved shopping, I don't like to shop.  I don't like the crowds or spending the money.  In my mind, I am a size 2 - so if I shop for clothes then reality shows up.  The closest thing to good shopping is the quilt store, lol.

My grand parents did have a ranch with 500 ponies.  They bought an old dairy farm with 45 acres.  It was a great place to be when we were going up.   We would eat breakfast then spend the whole day playing on the ranch.  My boys spent lots of vacations at the ranch.  I really miss it, great memories.

Yup, I have 7 grand kids, after the twins are born.  5 girls and 2 boys.  My niece is having a girl in July, can't wait.

3.  I have been spending a lot of time at the driving range with hubby.  He practices and I sit in the car and read or knit, so relaxing.

4.  We went to dinner with friends last night.  This was the view from our table. 

5.  I love spending time with this little guy, it is going to be hard going back to work in a week. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Almost time

It is almost time for the twins, according to the doctor.  I went to the doctor's appointment today and the doctor is pretty sure that the twins will be here before next week.  DIL is already dilated to 1.5 and Miss B baby is in position.  They guessed the weights to be 5 lb 7 oz and 5 lb 12 oz.  He said all their scores were fantastic and my DIL is doing great, she is bigger than she was last week and has dropped.  I am getting excited.

She doesn't even look pregnant from behind and she doesn't have the baby waddle, crazy.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted Linky Party - March 17th

 I am linking up with Mrs. Reed for her Let's Get Acquainted Linky Party.  This week you need to tell 2 truths and 1 lie about yourself.  Don't forget to comment on the 2 people in front of you.  In the comments, try and guess the lie.

About Me

My grand  parents had a pony farm, with 500 ponies, when I was growing up.
I have 7 grand children.
I love shopping, like addicted to it.

Ok, guess the lie and go check out the blogs - this should be so much fun.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Five for Friday - March 15


I am linking up with Kacey for Five for Friday.  I love this little party

1.  I finished my Leprechaun small book, you can find it here.  It is a small book based on leprechauns and St. Patrick's Day - super cute graphics by melonheadzillustrating.  I need to start making some curriculum for my classroom, but I am enjoying quilting and knitting instead, at the moment.


2.  We went to the beach, for breakfast, this week.  It was the first time the grand baby had seen the ocean.  He was mesmerized by the water.  It was a little cold and overcast, but still wonderful.  We spent some time looking for seashells, which is one of my favorite things to do.

3.  My beautiful daughter in law at 8 months pregnant, today.  She is so tiny.  I can't wait for the twins to be born.  I finished sewing one of the quilt tops for the babies this week and started the other one. My kids picked out the owl fabric and I bought the bright color fabric in Hawaii.

4.  Our roof is getting re roofed, finally.  I, probably, should have scheduled it when I was teaching - instead of on break.  They make so much noise, but it feels sooooo good to get it done.  The roofer said that because I went a light color, it will keep the house a little cooler.  It was 91 degrees yesterday, geez.  Last week, we had hail.  Now, hubby will have to paint the house the next time he comes home to visit.

5.  I bought a book that was recommended by Kelly.  She hadn't read the book, but had been inspired by the author at a conference she had attended.  The author is an RN and worked in a hospital that needed some customer service satisfaction increase.   I really enjoyed the book, it can be adapted to any work environment.  If you work with a difficult person - it is a great book.  It gave me hints on how I could change my views of the situation.  You can't change the other person, but I can change MY attitude about the situation.  The book is very pricey, but I am glad that I bought the book.  It is a quick read and I made lots of notes in the margins.  I am going to share it with my principal, when I go back to school.

Well, that is it for this week - head on over to check out the other blogs.  Hubby and son are going to play golf this afternoon - so I will be home alone, woo hoo.  I have lots more quilts to get finished before I head back to school.  Hopefully, the roofers will finish early today and I can sneak in a nap, heaven.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted Linky Party

I am linking up with Mrs. Reed for her very first linky party.  You need to tell 3 things that you love or love to do based on your initials.  My initials are TLS.

T -   travel.  I love to travel, go on a new adventure.  My favorite place is Hawaii, to see my hubby.

I, also, love to travel to the antique stores - you never know what you will find hidden in the treasures.

L - Love to create things.  I have to create something everyday or I get, really, grouchy.  It could be something for my TpT store or quilting, knitting, crocheting, doodles, scrapbooking or working on my photography.  I need to be creative.

S- seashells.  I love to find seashells.  Hubby took me to the beach yesterday and we found a bunch of shells.  Everytime, I go to our local beach - I find a bunch of a certain kind of shell.  This was the first time, that we discovered big shells like these, usually we might find a few little ones.

I love when hubby takes me to look for shells in Hawaii.  If we go during low tide, sometimes we can find pieces of old china brought to shore by the tsunami from 1960.  It is really cool, but sad at the same time.

Ok, go link up and get to know some fellow teachers.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Five for Friday - March 8


I am linking up with Kacey for Five for Friday linky party.

I don't have anything to show this week from my classroom, because I am off (sorry Jenny).  I, always, have plans to get so much accomplished - but it doesn't always happen that way.  Here are my 5 for this week.

1.  Wednesday was my birthday, I am getting so old.  It was a day filled with email and facebook messages from friends.  I had lunch with hubby at Panera Bread, my favorite place.  We realized that the food is really good, but soooo overpriced.  We are now on a mission to create the same thing at home, for less money out of our pockets.  It was nice, just sitting there, talking to hubby - especially since he flew in the night before.  We were able to do some long range planning for us and made some decision about our time commitment to hubby staying with his mom.  He has been there for two years and she is doing really well.  I  don't want to see hubby, only every 4 months - but I want to keep his mom comfortable in her own home.

2.  Hubby and youngest son spent the afternoon, bonding and cooking.  My mother in law has been teaching my hubby to cook.  Hubby decided to show my son how to make the sweet 'n sour rib recipe.  It was was nice hearing them in the kitchen, when I was knitting.  They even cleaned up their mess.  We will have it for dinner tonight, since it always tastes better the next day.

3.  I, always, spend a lot of my time reading when I am on break.  I read every night before I go to bed, just to shut the mind off - but when I work I end up re-reading a lot of stuff.  This is a book I picked up this week.   It is full of journal prompts that you just glue and write on the pages of the book.  I got it for my birthday, so I really haven't had a chance to do anything with it, yet.  I tend to be a person that needs creativity in my life - in order to find balance.  I am hoping that this book will help that.

4.  I have been  knitting  for the babies.  I am making 4 identical baby blankets, at the same time.  This is about 1/3 finished for the first one.  I am using a little bit of each of the yarns. Remember, the box of yarn from last week - this is part of it.

5.  I found out that my niece is having a girl.  I am so excited and happy for her.  My poor grandson, he is in the middle 3 girls before and now, 3 girls after.  I wish she lived closer to us, but if hubby and my plan works out, then I will be able to see her more often.

I hope that you have had a great week, go link up with Kacey.  Last week, I made it through about half of the linky blogs - because I was sick.  The week before, I visited all of them.  It took me a couple of days, but I did it and have met some new friends along the way.